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Puppiesshirt - Godzilla I got 99 problems but what people think about me ain’t one shirt

Yet no movie star came to Malabar as regularly as Humphrey Bogart. In March 1942, a visiting newspaper reporter described him, wearing a heavy cardigan and fedora, “warily” offering to feed the Godzilla I got 99 problems but what people think about me ain’t one shirt it is in the first place but cattle while listening “with an attempt at serious interest as Bromfield pointed out his crops.” The New York–bred Bogart may have had no rural leanings himself, but he was amused by how much pleasure the squire of Malabar got out of his fields. Once asked about his taste in friends, Bogart said that he hated Hollywood “phonies” and preferred spending his time with real “characters”—“wonderful guys,” he said, “like Louis Bromfield.”

Puppiesshirt - Godzilla I got 99 problems but what people think about me ain’t one shirt

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